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explore subfolder image 2023
A Microsoft Word file 32 Dispozitie aprobare plan pregatire ISU 2023Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 31 Dispozitie salariu Mitea Andreea- transa vechimeDownload Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 30 Dispozitie acordare indemnizatie handicap Coman IonDownload Preceding File
An Adobe Acrobat file 29 DispozitieDownload Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file 28 Dispozitie rectificare bugetDownload Preceding File
An Adobe Acrobat file 27 DispozitieDownload Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file 26 Dispozitie incadrare Panciu GeaninaDownload Preceding File
An Adobe Acrobat file 25 DispozitieDownload Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file 24 Dispozitie exonerare plataDownload Preceding File
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A Microsoft Word file 21 Dispozitie privind incetarea indemnizatiei de handicap - deces Mitea AlexandruDownload Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 20 Dispozitie acordare indemnizatie handicap PanciuDownload Preceding File
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A Microsoft Word file 10 Dispozitie Comisia speciala inventariere patrimoniuDownload Preceding File
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A Microsoft Word file 7 Dispozitie actualizare CLSU și COSU 2023Download Preceding File
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explore subfolder image 2022
A Microsoft Word file 24 - Dispozitie sedinta ordinara martieDownload Preceding File
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A Microsoft Word file 21 - Dispozitie acordare spor proiecte Primar DichiseniDownload Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 20 - Dispozitie aprobare declaratie agenda SNADownload Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 19 - Dispozitie aprobare Cod EticDownload Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 18 - Dispozitie responsabil ANI - declarații avere intereseDownload Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 10 - Dispozitie actualizare comisie recensamant populație și locuinte 2022Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 9 - Dispozitie responsabili 544 si actualizare comisieDownload Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 8 - Dispozitie responsabil relatie OCPIDownload Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 7 - Dispozitie comisie receptie trotuareDownload Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 6 - Dispozitie privind incetarea indemnizatiei de handicap - decesDownload Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 5 - Dispozitie actualizare CLSU și COSUDownload Preceding File
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explore subfolder image 2020
A Microsoft Word file 2020.12.22-dispozitie sedinta decembrieDownload Preceding File
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